Behind Nordet & Co is a team with diverse profiles, united around a love of design and respect for people and the planet. Our strategists and creatives are actors of change. Thanks to their ideas, your company will reach new heights.
Founder + CEO
Director of Finance + Partnerships
Marketing + Communication Manager
Social Media Manager + Client Experience
Graphic Designer + Photographer
Industrial + Product Designer
Project Manager + Graphic Designer
By being open and sharing our ideas and knowledge, we will be able to deliver projects we are proud of while helping our clients achieve their goals. Together, we are stronger and it is in group that we often succeed, the great achievements are not the fact of only one, but of many people. We then give our best, put aside our egos and work with empathy and trust to go as far as possible together.
Toujours viser l’excellence dans ce que l’on entreprend puisque ce qui mérite d’être fait mérite d’être bien fait. Pousser afin de se rendre plus haut, plus loin. Faire le petit extra qui fait la différence, qui permet de se démarquer, de se dépasser (parfois ce n’est que nous qui le remarquons et c’est parfait ainsi).
Of oneself, of others, of the planet. Quite simply.
Keep a child's heart. Adopt a creative mental posture and see problems as challenges. Be open to different points of view. Learn every day. Becoming the best version of ourselves. Share this new knowledge with others.
To be the same person at work as at home. Advise the customer as if it were our business. Share our opinion. Cite our sources. Always make ethical decisions.
Be accountable for commitments, but not afraid to raise your hand and seek support when needed. Act in the best interest of the team.
Physical, mental and spiritual well-being is paramount. We are complex beings who evolve in a universe that is even more so. To give the best of ourselves, we must be well. Aim to find the right balance between our professional and personal lives (even if sometimes it comes in waves and the balance of one is the imbalance of the other). Honor our humanity.